I’ve Been Nominated for the Reader Appreciation Award

I have been nominated for the Reader Appreciation Award by danLrene at Work The Dream. I hope you will visit her blog and send her a note. You can check out danLrene’s other recommendations for enjoyable, inspiring, and humorous blogs. The great thing about blogs is that we get a glimpse into the lives of…

Save Research Dollars, Ask Moms

I had to chuckle a little when I saw this ‘new study’ that says preschoolers and kindergarteners need lots of time…. wait for it… playing outside! “Play Time for Preschoolers Essential, Study Says” I cringe to think what this ground breaking research cost when they could have come to the same conclusion by asking any…

Glass Eyed Pony

Glass eye Wall eye China eye Clydesdale eye Cotton eye “When horsemen speak of a glass-eyed horse, they refer to an eye that is any color other than normal [brown], but the eye is usually some shade of blue.  A ‘china eye’ is blue, a ‘wall eye’ is part blue and part white, and a…

Roadside “Wildflower”

As I noted in this post on Wyoming wildflowers that aren’t  really wildflowers, here is a better shot of what roadside alfalfa looks like.

Roadside “Wildflowers” of Wyoming

I’ve been thinking about that casual driver through Wyoming. The locals know that if you drive the Interstate through Wyoming, you haven’t really seen Wyoming. But as a traveler myself, I know that sometimes circumstances direct that my only view of a particular state is a ‘drive through.’ So, I’ve been thinking, what roadside wildflowers…

Using Native Plants to Predict Floods?

Well, this is just interesting. Dr. Prescott hypothesizes that the native Australian acacias could provide early clues to major climatic events such as large scale flooding. If you’ve paid much attention to native plants, no doubt you’ve been impressed (well, I hope you’ve been impressed) by their ability to quickly adapt to changing weather patterns….

Wyoming Winter Sunrise

We are almost to the shortest day of the year. This is the time of year I can truthfully say I am always up before sunrise. At this time of the year, the days feel shorter than anywhere else I have lived. I got to wondering just how much shorter..   the amount of daylight on…

Drought Tolerant Plants, Wyoming Style

You can’t have lived in Wyoming for very long without hearing about “drought tolerant” plants. There’s a good reason for that. In central Wyoming, our annual precipitation hovers somewhere around 12-15 inches per year. Even in the “wetter” parts of Wyoming, such as the mountain foothils the annual precip is somewhere around 20  inches.  The…

Life in Wyoming

Welcome to Wyoming Life. I’ll be blogging about the challenges and joys unique to life in Wyoming, but most of the topics pertain to other areas in the arid western U.S.