Warning Snow

  As long as I can remember we’ve had an October snow. The DH and I call it the warning snow. It snows enough to remind us to get the firewood cut and stacked; winterize certain outdoor water faucets; finish up any yard chores; get the horse hay into the barn; and put the winter…

Sheepherder Fire Grows Twenty-Fold in Ten Hours

Update on the Sheepherder Hill Fire on Casper Mountain, Wyoming. (Click on a photo to view slide show) Extreme.  Erratic. Unpredictable. That’s what they call the kind of fire behavior seen in these photos. Definitely life threatening. Firefighters can’t be sent into this kind of scenario. The fire is literally making its own weather. Just…

New Forest Fire on Casper Mountain

We were so close to getting through this fire season without a wildfire on Casper Mountain. This afternoon a large plume of smoke rose steadily from the mountain. It seems to have erupted very quickly, probably the result of steady winds. Right now, as the sun sets, the wind is dying down and we are…

April Showers in Wyoming

At 5000 plus feet, April showers often come in heavy white crystalline form. This may be our last snow of the season, so I took a quick dash out to get a shot of the mountain as the clouds were lifting. Spring snows are very important to the ecology of Wyoming. The snows of Feb-April…

Addicted to the Glide

If you want to get addicted to cross country skiing, go out early in the morning, after a fresh snowfall, before anyone else is on the trails.

Cross Country Skiing on Casper Mountain

Sometimes the best activities are in our own backyards, or close anyway.  At a friend’s encouragement our whole family rented skis and took a short drive up Casper Mountain to the Nordic Ski Center. The lodge itself manages to capture the classic mountain ski lodge look and feel without being pretentious, but the real draw…

First Snow

Yesterday we awoke to the first dusting of snow on Casper Mountain. It’s right on time. We usually see our first higher elevation snow by October 15.  It  heralds the coming of winter, but it won’t be a slow, steady, predictable arrival. In Wyoming the changing of seasons usually happens in fits and starts. I…

Oh Yeah, I Forgot About That Plant

Up until last summer I spent a lot of the spring, summer, and fall hiking, driving and photographing native plants in my area. In the fall I went back to places I marked on my maps and collected seed for propagating promising natives for my own use. But the last two years I have been…