My Fog is a Cloud

Phrases that denote the heavy, depressing influence  of foggy days don’t resonate with me. I can understand how a grey fog hanging over a city for days could have that effect, though. With well over 200 days of arid sunshine in my location, and fog a rare occurrence,  a foggy day seems an intriguing invitation…

Take a Break

Grab a cup of coffee- or your preferred beverage- sit back, and watch this video to see some of the most spectacular footage of northwest Wyoming featuring fascinating and intelligent content regarding elk migration.

Fog, Frost, and Floods

You may have heard parts of Wyoming are experiencing flooding due to river ice breaking up. Some great aerial photos of the Worland flooding can be found at Yule Photography under Brandon’s freelance photos. It’s possible to plan for high flow flooding, but ice jams are pretty unpredictable. However, sharp bends in the river, bridges,…

FINALLY, Some Snow

Last year El Nino resulted in a very dry winter. The effects lingered through our summer and fall. Finally, a ski-able snow. I hadn’t been able to ski on the hay meadows for two years, until yesterday, that is. The short term forecast predicts temps in the fifties today, so good bye (again) snow!

Unseen Wildlife

I often see the evidence of wildlife which have passed through. I always feel a little bit embarrassed, as if I was late to some special occasion. Those elk tracks are from yesterday and I’m a day late. That bobcat was on a hunt last night, but I was sleeping. If only I’d walked through…

No Roadrunners Here

We had a wet spring in 2015 which resulted in a bumper crop of rabbits and mice. The coyotes are now reaping the benefits. This coyote was pretty intent on running away from me until he caught a whiff of dinner. He couldn’t ignore it.


Finally, a decent snow in the Bighorn Mountains.  

Rookie Photographer

After having my DSLR camera for more than a year, I’ve decided it’s time to delve into its finer capabilities, ie, quit using all the auto features. I used to do a pretty ok job back in the day before digital, setting my own aperture and shutter speed, but it’s been awhile and digital has…

Winter Treasures

I thought I needed a new look for the blog now that winter is here. Winter in Wyoming has a beauty all its own. We’ve had some bitter cold temps over the last week, but the cold creates a kind of light unmatched on warmer days. Every morning and every evening there is a rosy…

Arctic Blast

A temperature drop of 80 degrees in less than 48 hours: That’s what most of Wyoming experienced early this week. It was a balmy 60 degrees late Sunday night, and a klondike-like 16 degrees below zero Tuesday morning. I can’t help but wonder how the local flora and fauna survive these extremes. The range plants…

Mountain Snowpack Critical for Stream Flows

Well, we’ve had a few wet snows in the last two weeks here in Wyoming. Due to the warm weather in the first half of April (at least here in Central Wyoming), the soil at lower elevations is able to absorb much of the moisture from these snows, which is a welcome occurrence. I recently heard…