Pink is the New Orange

A number of laws were passed in this last session of the Wyoming legislature. One of those being that fluorescent pink is now acceptable as hunting attire. I’m actually glad about this. Not because I love pink, but because last hunting season it was hot, and all my blaze orange is for cold weather. I…

Well That’s Frustrating

Frustrating if you’re hunting elk, that is. These elk found a safe spot as elk season opened a few days ago. They have situated themselves on private land with a highway on two sides and houses on the third, it’s illegal to take a shot under these circumstances and they seem to know it.

Wyoming. Land of Extremes

Last year the Wyoming headlines read: “North Platte River reaches record high at Saratoga” “Platte River floods still threaten; half of record snow pack has yet to melt” “North Platte River Flooding 2011” “Planning, weather help Casper avoid flooding” “River keeps rising” “Casper preparing for high water levels” And this year, in the recent headlines…

UW Hydroponic Greenhouse

University of Wyoming Grad student, Nate Storey, has designed and developed a hydroponic tower system for this greenhouse where fish, herbs, and vegetables are grown.  The water circulates from fish tanks through media filled ‘towers’ made of PVC or poly pipe. The water has not been changed for years. “The biology just works,” says Storey….

First Snow

Yesterday we awoke to the first dusting of snow on Casper Mountain. It’s right on time. We usually see our first higher elevation snow by October 15.  It  heralds the coming of winter, but it won’t be a slow, steady, predictable arrival. In Wyoming the changing of seasons usually happens in fits and starts. I…